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Comparing two types of glucose monitoring for pregnant women with Type 2 diabetes.


We are Seema and Sarah, fellow mums who have been through pregnancy with Type 2 diabetes and are now working as advisors with the PROTECT research team. Together, with doctors and researchers, we are working towards improving the lives of mums and their babies.

The PROTECT study aims to find out if continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is more effective than finger-prick testing for pregnant mums with Type 2 diabetes. If we can show that CGM is better for managing glucose levels, the NHS will be able to offer this technology to pregnant mums with Type 2 diabetes in the future. By taking part in this study, you would be playing a crucial role in getting us the information to help make that happen.

As Type 2 mums, we understand the challenges of managing glucose levels during pregnancy, and also how important this is for a healthy outcome. We are excited about the potential for this study to make life better for countless mothers and babies.

Seema & Sarah

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PROTECT trial team
Norwich Clinical Trials Unit
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ



The PROTECT Study is funded by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (Funder Reference: NIHR150958). The views expressed are those of the authors and are not intended to be representative of the views of the funder, sponsor or other participating organisations.

PROTECT is registered on the ISRCTN Trial Registry: ISRCTN12804317.

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